I +(like) NY
333 days by plane, ship, train, bus, and on foot - a backpack as company - only to finally find myself climbing up the last of the seven hills that lead to the big apple: New York! Indeed, NY is not a Snow White. NY does not atempt innocence, nor virginity. NY is just as I knew it from all that movies, TV series, magazines, and stories ... I love NY! What a place to finish a journey around the world - right in the heart of this magic, vibrant "melting pot". If you are lucky to meet one of the seven dwarfs behind the seven hills and listen to his tale of hidden secrets, you may find in the middle of the Manhatten forest of skyscrapers and glas towers a nestled meadow - the Bryant Park - guarded by two lions, nicknamed Patience and Fortitude. The meadow hosts one of the most precious goods of this vibrant city: TIME! Because without time there's no access to the vast collection of the NY Public Library - from medieval manuscripts to contemporary poetry. This midtow...